Monday 1 April 2013

Foolish Behaviour at Branton Ponds

Just a quick walk around the ponds hoping to see an early spring migrant, but little in way of small birds at all. The ponds were 50% ice so the waterbirds were crowded into a smaller area and this led to some strange behaviour. The flock of Canada Geese were quite agitated with one agressively pursueing and attacking a more submissive bird. However, the latter obviously didn't want to leave the flock so it kept diving under the water and fully submerged would appear 10 yards away to the surprise of the attacker. On the edge of the melee amongst the other birds were 17 Goldeneye busily displaying. Further on I decided to check the river for Dipper, where it is nearest to the ponds, but was surprised, and concerned, to find a Mink hunting along the riverbank. The views from 20yards were very good and while I hope & believe it continued further down the river, it will obviously be wreaking some damage where ever it ends up.

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